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When do you indulge in self care?

How do you enjoy yourselves? What self care do you plan for your weekends?

You are sitting in the office; it’s a busy week at work. There’s an important meeting you’ve to prepare for, a social media campaign that you’ve to spearhead, loads of paperwork, and your calendar is jam-packed with tasks and events. So, how do you make room for all these things? You overwork, cancel your yoga session, cut back on socializing, and even skip a few meals.

To keep up with this roadrunner form of living, we don’t think twice before putting self-care on the back burner. More often than not, it takes a wake-up call to notice the toll this kind of lifestyle takes on our lives.

This is what I did at the weekend and do quite regularly to help me manage my state. Being a mental health first aider trainer, I know I have to practice what I preach, this weekend I succeeded so I thought I would share my results. So, what do you do as self care?

Top 6 Benefits Of Self Care

Better productivity. When you learn how to say “no” to things that over-extend you and start making time for things that matter more, you slow life down in a wonderful way. This brings your goals into sharper focus and helps you to concentrate on what you’re doing.

Improved resistance to disease. There is evidence that most self-care activities activate your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). What this means is that your body goes into a restful, rejuvenating mode, helping it to fortify its immune system.

Better physical health. Similarly to the previous point, with better self-care often comes fewer colds, cases of flu and upset stomachs. Less stress and a better immune system can surely help you feel more physically able and strong inside and out.

Enhanced self-esteem. When you regularly carve out time that’s only about being good to yourself and meeting your own needs, you send a positive message to your subconscious. Specifically, you treat yourself like you matter and have intrinsic value. This can go a long way toward discouraging negative self-talk and your critical inner voice.

Increased self-knowledge. Practicing self-care requires thinking about what you really love to do. The exercise of figuring out what makes you feel passionate and inspired can help you understand yourself a lot better. Sometimes, this can even spark a change in career or a reprioritisation of previously abandoned hobbies.

More to give. When you’re good to yourself, you might think you’re being selfish. In truth, self-care gives you the resources you need to be compassionate to others as well. Giving compassion is a bit like filling a bucket; you can’t fill someone else’s if you don’t have enough of your own!

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